A course signed by architect Robert Trent Jones Sr
Forms of play
Non official forms of play
Note : Reminder (cf. Rules of golf no’ 34-3) that if a non official form of golf is played the ffgolf rule committee will not give a ruling on any question.
The 2 players of the side both drive then choose which ball they prefer and finish the hole alternating shots with the chosen ball.
The 2 players of the side both drive then exchange for their second shots then choose which ball they prefer and finish the hole alternating shots with the chosen ball.
The first 6 holes are played in Four Ball, the next 6in Greensome and the last 6 in Foursome.
Flag competition
Each player possesses a personalised flag which he plants where his ball is placed after using up all his shots. The total number of shots is calculated for each player by adding his handicap to the SSS (e.g. for a player with handicap of 24, SSS: 71 = > the player has a credit of 95 shots). The player whose flag is planted the furthest is the winner.
String competition
Each player possesses a personalised flag which he plants where his ball is placed after using up all his shots. The total number of shots is calculated for each player by adding his handicap to the SSS (e.g. for a player with handicap of 24, SSS: 71 = > the player has a credit of 95 shots). The player whose flag is planted the furthest is the winner.
String competition
Each player is given a piece of string, the length of which is determined by his handicap (as a general rule 50cm per handicap point but the length is at the discretion of the committee). This permits the player to extend the distance his ball goes right up to the hole or to get out of a tricky situation that is difficult to play. The player cuts off a length of his string and carries on with the remaining string.
Form of play which consists of playing several rounds and noting just the best score for each of the 18 holes. Competition with a minimum of 2 rounds and a maximum of 4 rounds played consecutively (over several weeks or months, see Ringer score).
Ringer score
This is a form of play very similar to eclectic but based either on a large number of cards or a number of cards played within a certain period. It is often played during the winter over 9 or 10 cards to encourage players to play during this season. With each round the player records his best score obtained on each hole. The best possible score card is formed progressively during the competition.
Form of play with one side composed of 2 or more players. All the players drive then choose one of the balls for their second shot and then all the players (except the one whose ball was chosen, according to the recommendations of the Rules Committee) play their shot from there and so on until the end of the hole (see following details).
Form of play with a side of 2, 3 or 4 players. For a Pro-am the captain is always a Pro. The team score is calculated by the addition of the 2, 3 or 4 balls played. This is the event organisers choice but traditionally a Pro-Am is played in teams of 4 and the 2 best scores are added together. The AM-AM form of play is played in an identical way but the team captain is not necessarily a pro. Each player scores in this form of play. (Source FFGOLF site).
The official forms of play
The team is composed of just one player.
The 2 players on the side play just one ball, alternating drives and alternating during the play of each hole.
Identical to Foursomes except that one of the two teams is composed of just one player.
Three ball match play
A match play competition in which each of the 3 players represents a side, each playing his own ball. Each player plays 2 separate matches.
Four ball match play
The 2 players on each side all play a ball and count the best score on each hole.
Better ball match play
Identical to “4 ball” except that one of the sides consists of just one player, the other can consist of 2 or 3 players.
Four ball stroke play
The 2 players on each team both play a ball and the best score of each team on each hole counts.
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